NFN packs care packages, officers deliver to elderly

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Kasey Cook and Michael Burleson of the Spruce Pine Police Department prepare to deliver care packages from Neighbors Feeding Neighbors to elderly locals.


Neighbors Feeding Neighbors is doing its best to make sure that area seniors are warm, happy and healthy this Christmas.

The food ministry earlier this month packed holiday care packages full of socks, blankets, winter hats, puzzles and more to give to area seniors.

Officers from the Spruce Pine Police Department, including Kasey Cook and Michael Burleson, delivered nearly 90 care packages to residents of The Greens at Spruce Pine (formerly the Brian Center) and dropped off nearly 80 packages to Mitchell House residents.

Neighbors Feeding Neighbors participates in various community outreach throughout the year. The organization hosts community meals and provides resources to those in need in the community.

Husband and wife duo Amy and Allen Hoilman direct the ministry operations but are aided by a team of volunteers. Community donations also help keep the ministry rolling.

For info about the ministry, visit or call 592-4089. The ministry’s newest location is at 14 Jacksontown Road in Spruce Pine, past the Recycling Center.

“Neighbors Feeding Neighbors is a real blessing to our community,” said Bill Summerlin, Spruce Pine police chief. “Any support they can get helps them achieve their goal of serving the community. The things they do around here, like these care packages, are just so meaningful to our community and those who need help the most.”